Integral Support Program
To date we support 17 beneficiaries part of our Integral Support Program in which we develop mid-term and long-term individualized development plans (IDP) in various aspects (legal, healthcare, educational, social, psychological, etc.) based on each beneficiaries’ specific needs. We are glad that with our support the beneficairies have been able to increase their development, learnings and each day, have access to better education and a better quality of life, which is one of the goals of the program. We share with you updates about the progress of some of our beneficiaries part of this program:
1. Delia
We continue bringing Delia, a 9-year-old girl with hearing impairment, every Thursday to CEBE San Martin in Cusco, where she is learning sign language, how to write her name, and learn how to count. She loves this school, as you can see that she is always happy and excited to attend when we pick her up in the morning. She also attends CEBE Arco Iris every Wednesday and Friday with MSH Peru volunteers. She continues learning from her professor more about sign language on these days, and plays with her classmates. As well, our volunteers help her and her siblings with homework in their house once a week. It is always helpful for them to review with us throughout the week.

Delia, hearing impairment, 9 years old
2. Luis Alberto
We continue helping Luis Alberto, who has moderate mental retardation, every Monday to practice reading and dictation, in which he has improved. We also help him with his homework from night school that he attends every day after his housekeeping job in a hotel. In general, Luis Alberto really wants to learn and overcome his challenges therefore we continue to encourage his will and efforts.

Luis Alberto in his weekly class

Luis Alberto, Mental retardation, 29 years old
3. Yanira
Once a week we help Yanira with her homework in her house along with her siblings, Oscar and Delia. Sometimes we may help her with Mathematics, other times with English, which she is learning in her primary school. This year, Yanira is finishing primary school and will attend to secondary school next year. Overall, Yanira is a very driven student and received very good grades this school year so we are proud of her and her continued efforts to succeed.

Yanira, 12 years old
4. Maryori
Once a week we bring Maryori to the volunteer house to help her improve her understanding of English, which she learns in her primary school in MSH Peru’s English Project, and to help her with her homework, reading, and Mathematics. She loves to play sports, as she’s currently practicing soccer every day in order to play for her school in the future.

Maryori, 8 years old
5. Benjamin
Once a week, we visit a community an hour and half away from Ollantaytambo called Huilloc in order to do therapy with Benjamin, an 11-year-old boy with autism. We see that he is a very smart child who responds very well to the stimulation therapy we help him with. This year, he has shown very positive results.

Benjamin, autism, 11 years old
6. Nelson
Once a week, we also visit Nelson, a 7-year-old child with autism, in Huilloc in order to help him with stimulation therapy. Each time we visit, he seems to be more and more interested in his therapies and the stimulation exercises that we do with him. For example, we bring a puzzle that he loves to complete again and again. We observe that he is much calmer and understanding how to better control his emotions and pay more attention to the different games. We see improvements in him, which makes us very happy.

Nelson, autism, 6 years old
7. Miguel Angel
Every Wednesday and Friday we pick up Miguel Angel from his house and bring him to CEBE Arco Iris in Urubamba, where he receives stimulation therapy. He is improving a lot right now, as he only eats with utensils and is learning how to use the bathroom on his own. In school, he pays more attention to the activities and interacts with the teachers and MSH Peru volunteers, who also stay at the CEBE to assit the teachers twice per week.
We also conduct stimulation therapy with Miguel Angel in his house, once a week. With the volunteers, he plays games and learns how to better control his actions. We see that he is now beginning to make more eye contact, which shows his improvements.

Miguel Angel, autism, 7 years old
8. Lourdes – Lulu
We visit Lulu once a week in Cusco to help her with stimulation and homework from her school, CEBE San Martin. This year Lulu had a very delicate heart surgery in Lima, where cardiologists attended her. Thankfully, everything happened very favorably, as Lulu is a very strong girl who puts in a lot of effort to recover and to continue learning at the school. Her teacher says she’s a natural leader so we need to continue stimulating her.

Lulu, down syndrome, 9 years old
9. Natividad
These past few months were very difficult for everyone who knew Natividad. Her health became very weak, as she had a strong case of pneumonia so one day she decided that it was her time to pass, while she was sleeping in her own house which she loved so much. Natividad, our Mamicha, will always be with us in our memories and in our hearts.
10. Leonel
Once a week we help Leonel with dictation and homework in his house. This year he is finishing primary school, and went to Lima on a class trip with his classmates from his school in Cusco called CEBE San Martin, which he attends every day. He is a dedicated student who has one of the tops scores in his class. We were glad to contribute to the class trip with the support of SkyAirlines, who donated some plane tickets for the group. On this trip, he and his classmates had so much fun, and it was an unforgettable experience for them. This year Leonel also competed in an important race in Lima, where he won a medal. We are very proud of all that Leonel had accomplished this year.

Leonel and his classmates in Lima
11. Pocho and Yolanda
We help Pocho and Yolanda once a week with their homework. In general, both children are very interested in learning day-to-day, and we have observed successful results in tutoring them. Also, once a week the volunteers bring Pocho and Yolanda to the volunteer house for an afternoon English class, since an English curriculum is not offered in their school, and so that they can more easily learn the language in secondary school, where English is mandatory. Every week, they learn the basics of the English language, and are understanding it very quickly and easily.
Yolanda went to Arequipa on a class trip with her classmates, where they celebrated the conclusion of primary school. In general, we are very pleased that both Pocho and Yolanda have received very good grades this school year.